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H'« . 


Marxism Reconsidered 
Should Ve Go 

Beyond Marx? 



— * 






Anchor of The PkUowphy af Mm, «u 


Aa Address Delivered March 27, 1940 
At^tbe Lufcor Temple, New York; 




PuWi'ifio* by 

Blpr Qmm» for m Prr fl m.«t Dn of a,, jNm* , . n 

Ml V« SKuft Avbm». N.T. 

1 *' ■■ - . 



. . ■'.. 

1 I' I 1 

■ : J l j ■ ■ *" 

if.' m th. prwi^* "rtur B » ?.»»•/•« 1* crWi. L th. ""I^f' "T^ 

^n^uLlf nbout th«. 1** W idea of MWliitJaimnr cawiiaa --113 h*«* to 
[ C " " ,.>I\lt MSiocv. Hi.Urv ard huann knorlodge rr* not a rarlV- *?**"«- 

+ _ri r 

laa«J«/ hi** 9 ry. HUUry *rd huann knorloogo n r* no. > ^ ' '- ' ,™ " 
141 Hglit in tar.»i». and to- rtjact *l«* w„> *r*nfr in it. 

Iruu our uiator- 

sum assess ttSLaJS®? • 

Han th« fir* alary, a«l »aen *>- to.ja ar Ha rorrfatkon and |» ""'■"'*>- 

.. .Mat ndaauaeoly aadaMUMl Ihf. 6» th. t*-r h»«d, law « !, a^o-Tln WT 

rapuWU dono. /locordi** 1. Bor C aon. IhLa «il i-» fc. lh. .ort or *• «^ M 

arirU, mtfalns ortatn.1 «n4 W «?i« «m ««1 ' f 'f "'i'' '^1 '^JJ S2i- 
aiy. in Ima, but it I* n*l th. -nol* Iruth. b. ohnU P""""* »" l * pt rd ^ 
vton (I a «t.ditUn V? t«- *M B l«l »nfl crt.ti« ««rk af tho •plrit. 

15. Fir P i, r„-UU ft «it -tar rtudlonai - p.patitl-m in th« <T«tK« •' •*«*»»■» 

OIK mr.L«- an4 th- ,*itA'i ■hall, haae» S r, prrae-il/ a« ,, u^I 

-.toiwl. k.5d tun* kno-irtfta aro not Unko. ^a «*""". 2!""^ 
U «rk. *Lthout UkiM Boenlaaiicr of ««t hirtory «l«*dy *" ^'"' 


urdcrsURd ada^uMAlJ afcat am s'-udios, ia ssrl repeat lha sub^Aft 4&1& 4&J aga*r. 
a&5 thA »rA eft*- .'_• 7-4-uti tfcA a*r* b£sa;jA.i siy Ha ucAarjiAci* th* suVJArt. hr 
jr-rr*sa in kcnledge an4 Mdtrsia&Ai^g rast cr. r*--atit isaj If r* 4* &6* rc»*c. 4 , » 
a* eatftot advm&ca La thA AubjAct^ *M carUialr b e c*mo*. *£t%c£a *r« gfi * i?ojit* r 
to a felghM subsist. Ua**, thf spirit cte 6* tritidfcl irA :raUn ooiy tn pr»p*r- 
licn Aft £t fastA ©a tsechuical repetition "It is with th« frt+dn 9-f it* Spirit tc 
»4AtA Ao**fig RAV, AfifiAthllif fiPiglaAli AS it J.* fclih the frsa£oai of.iha ApJ.rU 
gensrwlly. 7h* Sj£r£t » frw in propor-lloc %* it = 3o.for=* wj*b ft*?*»*L%r» Tfcja il 
th* rutas utejr Spinata dfcfiaai ffraadotia tu-BA af es£4ftaitjr. i fe» il!aBtrmt^o« 
Will AAkA tt clAAf. Ua AM fPAA tA «*r*t» wr tM-gfci« :a *ny ltapaafA in propar- 
tlcrt Al *A rApaatai.y aptfka tiiat Ur^jj^ ir.5 cenffrrsed with Ltf wtttTA Ar.S lit 
rulta. Tha Mc=ecic is fr«A to nAoi?Af£ h^s =*cft»*v..c*l skill ic proportion A* U 
rAJiAtAdly UAM th* AtfA IMtl Us 1 fArfcr*A4 thA aa^a t*ak r TVf ir* t Ist « tba Al*- 
S* ia fr«* to aaptaaa hi* artistic ialtmt in prgp^rtioo as ha ripn;r4 ana Bcanri- 
aad thA jAlrt afclefc b« £a to perfara, AJeg or pl*y* rjt If th» sue Ti'.b tfcs Qrmtar. - 
Thf orator it fros to t*prt«s Sit Edsas In proportion ^o ^r.t n«fcar of ifcxas tEti 
U* t*prttt*4 thcit S4t«t Ar4 sAasrifitd tho ffara cf aaprsssicr— 7ti* pfcllesapfcor 
ffrsc to warty hie id oat ic prep*rticn a« h* r*$t+\*£ m M y rcflccttd An r.n. :<!•*.*. 
And it U to «)th ui- ?q aU th«tt r«pt£ti*BA, 4b« tp£rit «n».n ;; mVnr crtAV 
ff*«4fi* u ftriiC C^t Motthiag original- In r«pA«Uf^ thA tA»k.wHich «• ;"r cr 
i*=y tisAc ^fsr«, »• Ah»Jl fcriefi out toMthice grifirml, icvAthiqc zn^i - 
«• BMfft v# A cC» tfti MCMIlty that fAAuircj tht rt?*tit;cr c f u. c u . - s 

H. at ttilf «f Uatmae ia fib* eaUruliit ceneaption of hickory, 2^ ;nr 
«e emat bogie with it. ft fit ^h» BStAri&IiBt cacccptlQA fif hit-sr^, =c=aw-=c 1', 

rista cc the tiodc of aAtsriAl prcdastScr- khra ir.Corjroti history wsir .'->-_, 
th# s«4ft cf yrsductioc, ncconSir^ to Akrx v lb* bq&b of pTMuctisn'ras n n±i_r^. 
ccur»c of eT6lutioc Aod i«*-^|, »h4*b AfC Xn4ApCTrfort «f thw wlii And ccrAcw^^o- 
fflta cf bca* History ia solhln£ tin tt*c a Aiisctfl3lcn cf t»o*to icttmtr : :> t- 
evolvtjofi «f tfeA sjodt of prodtfsiicn. HiAtcryp C-sa« conicl&ugx^te-Acd the mrzlc 
Aoefol i UF ,fftruf- M r, « n ?d| rvft«MS aa£ smalffAStAt isct eff tBcTcFOlytior 61 tr.c 
xode of product!oo- IaK#r«fflt £■ tht ceds of prcSiirtioo is ths tAcdA^cy '^o t«;«o 
•s-tjrsitei And uaifi«d. A tiaA will i-AT.iAtiy ccse 9 srftm tho B«do of trocLictic- 
= >«* tj» AAftfe ojii bscocA iatecrmtsd into c&a MiTtroAl ssc4a of prodoGtioa. 
This -ill dAtAraiDs that zi-.t nedt of dloftrHuticn slall aIao £accca unlvtrsally 
icttgrattd. C&ssl this baa Iw- atccaplls^ctia ucivoraal arxanlvz wilZ U AAtatli- 
crxi. I^aifj GoasauziiaAi ia irc¥ttet:«r*ttxaiiSA of tfcA Iciiiubli dastlcyof tfeA aoci« 
cf frotiycxicn. Kat tc auat at ones cutlet ia tfclsi in this cocCAptlcs of history- 
oar. plays a gmssiwa and satcrilrattlrolAi ?Mls tha' ncdA of FTpduet-e- pltys aa 
actlYA and dctsnlcvisA; role- Jaira tctelly #Jisri(ardA^ asm; tors carar scf^arcad 
tia^aif ahejt zrx eaitura, couraa of ATolotloa aad dastiry ef aar^ fop fears ragu>tf* 
sfl sad at only a rcflu of tna sede or pfoductioa^ Thla ia tta raaaoc %cj Hara da- 
Totad ail hla vorsi tc a sitdy ard analysis of tfca awrda af preosJetien.,*aM sat ar ^s. 
wrota ar*y*ihliig afecut rar. KiaaaH. ffev t appocarta of latniss ccadaaMad tb« stttar- 
ialint teccapxioi: of haAtory* »ltfcc-,t parcAiTica; tta traBacaadtBrt trtita uvelTAtf 
ll this coaccpilca of tlstory. Asd 4 Ucaui* UM opzecant urar urcarstood tUl. 
-ray DAT«r imjaratooi tlstory. 7o t< atlt to Judga uiis e«rits axd daeAPitt ef *fc# 
=attr:ai;atlc ««AptiM^af faiatcry. »• saiat first erystaUisa ar Idas of feiatery t 
wt-ch Atskll atrti ua a> a •uiftU^nj kl.lU Xv Judf* Uia^=AitAriMl&si ea&ACfttar. af-'^ 

History •* 

27- Kiatery i* a pra^sta ef £ixaK AalatacAA. Is A?.*wr. ia th* prA»ictia l^tfty^t 
aad ia 97 Atfctf vAr*# r tfca proc««s *gT hitiarj, 3^»a a G7 9 ihtr onsets ia TTilrtfTl 

U tia tfeaJijAtiAo oj «r. I^aa la *fct sattroal world. Afid «a aaa taai -.haa la an 
10AA Af 5« t H»nAVtf ^a tba aa'.uxa af aa ^daa, iAfcaraatly it Ia ai<ral and icfa- 
juta, T*kg iba idaa af ibo alactric la=p- "Hiia Idas m tasUIia itsalf in lafialts 
sm^arial las^a, axd ft at mrt for-fiTtr. Thic tht scon. It la ax yes^dlajasrt of 
4A taca- T3ia acoro. can r<*laa+ Itatlf in iaflsita oak traat AM acAraa, aad it 
can tint fcr*Tjr, Ti-j ar. Idu Ma Isra aApaettt a eAttrijJ, £^r^ft^< aad lixitcd 
U>«ctt Aad SB id-ia, dtitra^t and l&fUit-L And «t«rzsl *?~ f *<*. Tc ■na>rj-t*ft 5 : ih4 

neture cf an 4de*a se .mtt eeo it in ill concrete saterUl f*m but to- iindersMnS 
the eternal and iftfinVte najuro of en U«i we suit »»* it lit the idee, itself. Ac 
illurtratien, whikb I -often uoed. Till sake it clear. ?hi laviure -of a triangle in 
rods --bat Ito inVtrior occleo ore equal tv two right a^glta. Cf thie we fora as ' 
idee* Hew sac X «atej thio Idea to etborj^ There it paly ©to wyi I sari pj'ets&t 
tha irianglo in nattrial »nd ccncr»to fo-m- Mp. I jo t-tifcer TO aaper OT ?ti MPd* 
Tnv4fi3 thue preee&ted tfc* c*ne**#ts triiaj-l*- than ; e*& dewnitrata that 111 Int- 
erior angles era fripjal te tve right angles* Skua r euvaped t* 'elhara theidaa ef - 
the nature of the triangle* But out 'hare l aeeoapliehed? fetiimg off algal fi sea ee. 
Ttx p uippoee that: v* kxou that the nature of the triaaglertiefc ;2 preeaatad ii 
oucb'tbal Mo inferior angles ara oqual ,to tao right englM, f^et of itT I deit» 
rey the piece of japer or nib off the triangle froa tao send, asd nothing is lel% 
But this me ndt ny purpceea ay parpoie tie issetftlng alee; XT Tarpeee no vc rt* 
vvttl tfe* stomal and infinite nature of t.a« idea that saaifom itself lr- tat tri- 
*ngl«i 3u* thif £ cannot ehw fcy the triinglei-Vhich I irtr on ptper or on »cr,i; 
tbie 3 can aha* ip tfrldsja itself, HffiKti onfee I dortaitrat od "tiat the interior 
dng;t9 of the pariiciijn-r -triangle before ^f ere equal to tr* riglt angloo, I then 
ipfWl 1c th* intuit Uft And reason clM-He pedpl'e feafcre c* f tad noflclwdC" B*&t*j 
the lA-terlsr angles af all Infinite tfUnjles tut exiatad, «*i±< and will axief 
in etertaU aed inTiail* «uataaea ara aaui *e ta© right aagl««* faly dw ta har* 
«n a^r^uate tdca af w# iTianfle* I (6 a n-t; farther and aiy; is atamal asd tn- 
finite «irtance thtra ii fcut out idea at a trlanfle, and thti tM aaea sarifeete 
itself in eternal and infinite ir. infinite tmangleii. Crjy nci ue nut ■ 
rjod to an adequate iiw cf Tfca triangle. I rc?«.* : to percsire th* ntture of tbe 
iflea of the trianclei ee ccet flee it .in a cwxr«e cettrUl fora; liut to perceirit 
U4 «-nrr*5 and infialte nature of tho .idea of the triangle, fi sr^st lee if in tr-e 
idoa^jelf. And thia/tme o* all idea*. 

!&, ^Lnv» u* elra«4y re«^fc%d Hhe higheet id mi of the triaD£lr? Zj &e,a«a&i r S;t 
tfianci-t rrtrro £nt-0< t^* fcreat^on of a^ f ont£i«; of soitrlaj rf*^"^?^^= Jt ^r,t 
late t3i* foraoiion *f te# JiquaFe v the elNli, th* twfce, the ■pht^r t -V.< ;;rr, 
pjrwaid, awl eo on indefiitllely* Rt-nee F t-e ?er.»i¥i the hiEfete^ ^i-te c^ «y 
antlt. a« mast follow up tK triargle threue^ oil a»tt,riai fcrrr; :r raider 
even tlwn we ■ball not yrt reach the highs rv idea cf the trian£:*, " r s_s 
alflo eirtere into the fom and Cirection of ill ccTasente zZ r*.trr:-: bx-iiei 
i»t s&cei the ooveneatt- or rtare, planet e t casete.-aa ««I1 at —£-■*• -" 
clVyi osd material bodici on flErUi^ And aov, nrpjcee a* fclloi-ei. l: rr- triarirl 
ttroajh all its aanifeetttti-osj in the nt»rUl a«rld t will ue insr. Atta-r to it 
hi£h*tt ld»a of the trianglt? liot jct # for t&c Wnior* then ^rtf-jr.:i ,:artft 
ie ;h* trianelt ttte baali of all sdtirlal cxirtcntre? Here ae zen j J ;jt3i::- ■: : 
# th» eat trial aepect of th* triangle aannat anewer. For this ^-rp:?P sr cue: 
on *.hf *vin£e ef ir.tuiticn, r»30n and the iutll-tct 10 'ceroewe t:*« r.tna] ana . 
iafiaitt idaa thich 'Eataifast* Jieelf Sn the aaterial «rld in aa.;eriC fc^j. rhia 
u* de thii, ae then p6rc<iYt *fea felleoinc. Tbe+ «w AVteluto my aeadf«* r^iaeelf 

G.3 111* ^it4Tia3 DOrld, ?.t irust first dif ffcratifaia h-.noelf intp ifvpff *-*j<4ttfffi 
eaeeuliftc, fesiaice,. a&4 t »yntn4eii ef toth, Titkeut repeating irk*t I ^<occBtrat- 
td iik wf elfcer uerkBj this mitt jfaffic* fol" the ft-twat- Kegel f*xdli*rii*d va 
with ihii triaaflcs theels. AB^-H-lhetia,, lyvthiiij. me is &My a ^lleeephie 
^LptiDt>iMfi uf tha LriaiLj* r nastlj: Father, lanittr and -Sea* IBe Eaatuiiei ana f« 
iaia&'eBp«ete arc th» thciil l»<t*nti-thD9i»i Uit t HKou^h oppdaad t-fr met, «*th-.i 
aiw n€f»tlaf *ert othu, ytt thfjlattffaet M.t\ otfctr add affire «4K eihc'f. ^«y 
urate, and the result la the Sen/the erctherir ef betlu Only nar r« ■ attaiaad te 
the highett idea of the triangle. But ihie idee bTinjt u» to the latelute. Kanee. 
until to reach tho Abeolute, ve cannot tare an. adequate idea' of the triangle cr 
&t any othtr caterial fon- of exiiterea. 

iLnd r*n ae ouei conalder srcttir aspect of tea fatter* Hietory li eior* -ham 
a trian^lct The idea cf tht trUn£l< is not eubject ta rhaRge, it daei »9t go thr- 
ouch a proctai of history t KJid it haj> no destiny. Eternally ood infiaittly the tr- 
ianclc rtaalnd tfcc Mae* But ftirtory in a proton of dange, of hiatd-ry cud 4*4*^ 

. -3- 



any* <Lad» wfcilti Vhri idea of the tnarjffje say bo adoqaattlT uDaersttKrt vitnout the 
ide* *f tweatio*, hirtery c*nn$t V* yodorf^epd viihwt tfce idem of bauaatioa. 
rhen ve c<ce €6 eAueeticsi, we xee-i the e&x* • 1-tpatioq, 7e f«?» %A i4«4 ft/ EBtfWL- 
tion. vt'V^ii m It ir snteriJLl aamlfasUtie&i bit id tmo-erataM the eternal l&i 
Infinite Mtupe of eauaatioB, u« euct «eo It in tne idea, itself. Usr, phileeophe.rff 
*&» «11 at aolonvi*tfl» paatultabd Irfinito oauace for tbo iarflnite tf. r tc*a- Sot, 
ai £ abewd in sy.nrfc* a* pJiltciaj^j, ;r.U li an illusion. Tfcoro is- tat one coui«r 
of all infinite •ff*«iB 1 and that cause is the Afc«©Iut. t 3i«K*, Jua* if in the. * 
eaee of tJw triMgli 1*4 tad CO r*se> the At-tftluta t6 undiritaad the triAngle; ee, 
oleo* In tfca eaee of causation, ti ziust react the Abeolutt to uKderatar.4 eauaatlia. 
l£ other words, ill infinite effecti oust t* related to the JAealuta, tba-one 
cauaw of all infl&Ut nffects. CiUy Men car. ^c adequately umlcrsuusl blatory, — * 
story is * fracas* of hmn enitt&c-tj but thii 3o not mi orlgiral tn& indep&ndcm- 
process. TJi* proceee of history if >0V4d \ip wit 6 »ii ©tbtr pr*Cftflfftir iji ezisicnci,! 
*r-d fell j-^6cefeee in existence &rr :rjy real i ;--.-. nr.r it pet*r4al fors ;f ii*T*J? ?f 
the Absolute; and al! :deia of tfce Absolut* Mfi a purpose aad & fleettey. Hence,, 
to UDdirs land* adequately hlctory, Te swat know and undenting; tfca purpOM ana daa* 
ftligr of **1 :Ceas of tfrt Absolute, 5incc» &0T0T«r> elk ideal of tba liuoltne art 
o&ly caaifoetetioM rfow standi -tod infinite itita of tiu Absolute, just aa all 
■vrltt-glut are only se-nlfeetatloas of nnc 'id**, c* a traaa£*») it fell aw* -Otat , to 
uoflaraufto history, vs oust *eer tFjs underwune tfc* am UifMl a»d lrtfi*«* sate 
c!\;he Absolute, Mueh nar.ifffcBtf, Hsiif 3n tcfiatte ideaa, a&d ofcieh roelii* thus- 
reives in. infinite proc-tuta, an>a£ vBlcti la aleo The proem, of tunan txirtccco. 
*r« this tttrrfii ^.r.d irfintti id« of tik, Ataolutc r already daacfcatratefl ic ay 
i^crkB aaj p-haleasphyi \r>i cow that «rt cr5atallitad ax idea, cf history,. It; -us apply 
it to tfc* ttw;r»rttlcn «f the aaterialiet Deneetftleei of hlttory foraulated ^r 

Ikn, - 1 

?C* Tbo tJiinBtarJfftit ilcnSficance Of tfce cfttfrialiat conception of hirtcry it 
tn;it ;-. ia«%^ .to tr.ff ut trial aspect cf hiSMrr* Sbra aas x^e first gnuj tint 
>«fceiref end remaltc tiifl agj tfli. &f M»Sery. f&f *ttvOta»nfl:* ^f jaorSp Oafllipd 
•a0ft#ly fePcel-red their iS<etir T and tJia jurpeae- ef ^itfnw. Arid *hM(h, V»»t, 
t!»a Vraphatt art Jotut p4rc«5ved ii rltirly. jr*i iMdequ&icly; fW twy i*r tkis 
:t*a ;r- lie ctnraet. io«2 femi thty <3ifl wt r*tt it in tic fawwtc aatcrn- 
fcm a Tlia grmtnaar cf Ifara cofiaiatad Ite juot UblSi fit rtveali^ to jb ibt mterinl 
-iFtct &r tbfl procosc of hSatory; fc* fthovad up tw tr^a procaai *f htitory aar^* 
reeca t-teel f Lb Wm fvc^tui^c stages of avoluiiaft of t-*x sd>Qt zl pndlWeiaa* ' ; *y^' 
that ot bww ixii, w« e*ft ?e*4 Mviirn ^clr^ari and forvmrd nXn a^aolyVa certain* 
tj, Te see vita aMolutv certa-ntj? that taa sole of jr&-_-tLal Bui-- a« atll e*- 
cod* or*e inttgrated code cw*j the who-lf earth, E> lea with the mm* eertairrty thai 
;m«*8Ma of dlttritailoo -ill *likt>wit» ^ccocc tnit^ra-eti jrto -m -ede or dlitrl- 
bviiaa cTar tki -ifcola ttrtn. Ans ki faUan ^ath itwiutc rsrtftimj tnat rcaaaunjas 
is iaaeiiabl** ■Cr-ly neo in can eoe cluerlgr aod e.5tcn«t*ly that c9£c~-~-«£ i.» iat*>i- 
tabic. CttBBLalaa taplLei e JHaar: e&-ieiy * A Hu=o_r« MaaeAy tbet is no loa-^r d«* 
4 -tntint<s by tfei cede of prodm-ica, tat ratAer iAtftleAsal tn L Met of -irodi»Mi4«. 
?tc j»u=sn i-oclftj raating on ualwrml coeaairirE ■ tjiia it tht lifted en of God oa 

• trtfc, et which U*oc-, the Pr*pt*d» and Ji*-t e^al;*. 7^i» 2* tx*+ (feat a^UlOTea>t<.T 
:f Itarx. Bjv tMl tfota not rot give as an adeqtiato ilea of nietory, Ibra accoapll- 
•hfd *nly the firat atept t\% a-ccoapllaritiC only int. ihirh I atcm-lianed ty »r«a* 
U« %** in^arUr argl-a of U;* f*r-:»:ar. traocci* *ftlc^ ; drair a- j*P*r or en 
Hod Are equal i<o tva right iT*&2t=. S«v v» 3ak, that tr;a did oo; >ot rtvca« tr.c 
Vtafnl Or-' infinite nature- of U~ ide* -f -^ trLan|lt* H*rt If »M-e tb LnaaV 
C^ty of tfec e&ttriallet -^^.ct7tl1w of hi-ier-f -ar^faut- }tee4f t Ut pa cu-!m tSi* 
sxtttr elaaoly. 

Zli Uarx Gpcaki j firtftu uwt tesporary l^nfiuac^- Uon tot^tBS in tfu tidClt af 
tU. &t^rj, and tnda ir ih* niddlc of Um sictj* Ho fcL*ina nilh ouw alxefldy found 
produtifl« v henco« ^hst proctdod that aottoi; ton cao cana to bocic t* produce 
thlngt) hm son ca&« into a<ci^t>oficcE hott tfcc mtariiLl vorld coco :&to aElutoncc • 
of all *tM« Uara had no idea. Honta, prior i* tho tiac that mo arc fewnd prodwt- 

!■ *i 



■ao oieftongf. 
ially me.jMrY to ire^e.^ J 7 ,, * ;Brela <-* «=7 tho amount pf l a b«r aoc- 


: - •• ; -i 

Ii3? £??'"! ^£"5 tJMUnt of BDCittll > f "««-^ Utof to product, liu 

&p,s,:r^ ess 2- s^-rass 

liter J^SI Ei'iHEJ!!' ?— ^"J" «>«•«*■ Mi, ■ fr«ti n f BB ),«*■• 
SrStST- I' tOUVOt lh *V* fc,w '" Mch i. no longer .oclatty n.eonwry, 0P Ufc. 
la. life? Vi?!' ^ l0nE " B " UUy ""•»■"*. to" "ft SSit U 21- 

SU Jt SE. iiSlS" i ** Wi SSP "*• if " "W* hta « fey*. l*te, sfprc- 

i w ! £ ""*""* •***"* «7 BMetsar^ later t» ilu eoraoaity. «rfcnw uaaleaa 
JijtrSBUtia* D f c«^Hi tIl »«„»„ v , camtldM . this country. I„ this «««£. 

■M rt!? J! V * U * * BB * fti " * t0ll,r - tft ' M P 1!||, » 'y«»* »n« to «*»r with 
roL"!^! 1 ! " l ■? ' ^ '' My Tl11 " J ° y * « reB,BP ••«■•*«• Pf ftf «.-i 

tRi rollwiBj «. t . i S 5 Bhrvat.r. It tatM u on<- ouv'd later to rue* h. 
■MM • -»»i-fi tt-« a 4a 7 ( > l.Ur 1 B c«h1 to Icc *,««■. Thi, a^Mtu 
v«£-Fll - 1 "' f * r SMklr ' C lU ffllf 0f 0UtO - «■ BIMr I- 1 u * -**«»«■ ■ 


E*a s Treses [X*ȣ^HSirsai3E: 

■MCfeir Bb ge«) irc-.r-i ->- mboe ,rj .1 
Sfcftt bd U wUlBg "MUtf £ 3 shop ua 

& jtj £■?££ ss.'S; Suva? si?tr£Si — ■ &■-» — - 

") t« .MiUiJ a. M .«rr later ltoti-1. J! .21 ! ! tFU * "*" 0l **** ««»*"*- 

i-« ««— or «. _ „ P „,. w^rt^^-[^;^r^:f : ^^: 

-. "ub-.t ,ets Uck for hi 3 taUTk |2?C!! S£?S *! *** *° rX9r 1B ,w » 

u^ s..., .^ ia ™« v~ M .& ^ [l ELZZrGT* 


«t. Produce Tgr 1* •"u.J^^S.^.J^VI.Si'ii** *J| 1b «" *«^ 

riiioa tr/ tua raj.* ,T,« rj > !'. ';--,. r - ! -' ;- -= :m> run mat* . 

d*«, only to far-fig 0b - , 3liU ««"?.- ""*«» Wth tfc. «■-*•-., 

«Mid*r JMth . r , 6pcct of *„,„;*' St "' i « *' Mta « « ■•» *•■ A-l no- .. ».. 

«?-* Iter* bcl:*red that rfet:ti*Vi -» L t • *- -> 

--ITO, U d that Mes>ii«*J3; }!T.!: l L J',"C ,,, '* d " Wi iBta "« contradie 

ii« «c 10 2i« „ UI , a5p ^jJ J/p* «;^-} J 1 ■ *•"• '-^- Jr MqMclod tlat b, th 


*r, «„, „«„„„ ^s^js ™tS ^VSd""! r" tlor ibi *- ^ 

1M= M. due t« JVi. Wrt-.idhrf Bi-.r-*lU T^ - W lus "-«"««>"M«. 

t^*«rto that Uq r«d. Ktr» itlSrJ ?L " " M,r|1 '* ' ^ * »^raLi. nrd 

aP a B h^ ifl . fe - d^-M/^triS'i^i* J ;T till; f!!!"! 1 - « a,fl .*« "—- 

IT tutu d* niutfid, .htr. tfa v "^ c ^* o? 2 I f ^ 5oe:i:,llBB •»" ■»" 

ffl 3 .lf. M*rl Y >. V9 thouaanfl vm« .« ^ "«-r| M to can.. Mi.t. Py fepMtB 

»J, th. Uaxani f C S d Be} « s !*S 1SS LSiS " ,Sl,t ^" "ntwri.a of ChriB-Ur. 

* ! 

— « y» ■ i ijisuin^ jjoa w? 




ie*rw itfvn.. iBf.rt, M „ M S5KS bPSS !%I k " "•""• *» wv my . 
*«.. tare fith la J„ UB , ^ „, ^n,. 1 "" !l l%>> £" «■»« ™st fe« ^v.. J t 

- Kris*- r-^wE^^ 

cr»,rt U lly „ r n b)r ^ « jn *ired to da ami l«bor, and & »ui l 

out cscKMniBi. But, »hile Lhrx 'h oa I2!I ! tX* «»4. of nroductlm to eria* 

4-d not aec ttol, tatU«.| bainr JBf.eM Jf. °,™ ltn "* ""*•« BfUy s h- 

-tieft tr»n.e.rd*d O^fa pB, iUan % J. " .. "* '* d '-' tlr Bl ?'. l«"T"«s *** .obttiono 
«rktr , ay h, B . ytt Airiai; ti;lS2 »S^ * » J«l^rl. M . 1^*4^ „ B 

-crt „ e BK iici BR U Ur# rTecM|B • , ™', »-/"a.choiM. Mt W« UWfc ha regarda 

•wrtw, lodp whtn „, o W ort« it , f.rS Tf; S '-' 8rte ' «" ifiii ^ **««•» ' 

»f*ci.u r phr.ic.1 Mr » . 5 .JJ^uuli «.™5? f 6- * hc *■««!«»«'. **t ^ 

-••ti^y .11 th*r 2i2»! a i!« stiSif-n : f,. rti !r ° r ■••«"■ s; e * 

J- ■ prDreuad tru«., ^t »" J^J S S^gJlf C i!" rtp "«»«. tht./tto. 
2? ™U««n to |ft| «j, 4r elo-.M "?■!!' . 1 K™» « ^t-™i. Mlltleil ^r 
■Mi ib.r «.r. bound up «iu «.T! !! 5J^ rk '"" ■ p * ■ 1 "» ■»«■ iBtei. »« u 






•Uric trUMioM. mi« P taw,^ i„ ..J'^ Kn« "* f0 "\' "* ■** thBlr «■ 

oniut their own locUli.t eio Jw« B i Sz°* aed « tt( "^I»t>. and nrvggiaQ 

»»•. blued Wa-wlTM, thw j**a d jU« "™i ™* ^ain. *" **• rrotiHya ibouic 
•"Wire etall , ft „, ' tbl B iMd^tSri«1?fhi™rt!' 1, ' i i 4U,, ' iM, ' Bk8ue tto 

*e.,if in Mn-B . 5 "^ in iT;f;t'L;:f «2»«u- »»-« .^f e . fcn i 

patriot. M( £ ilutD0 ^(^ij,,™ ZJt, b !!£' ; h ' "-«■"" ««WliH nr. 

i- ntiAnv trot i. tJ; *J;.?3 w jiJiil , ,2* ,,,rl ' ,!d e 5 * ri a ™». ** « i 

to fort* . n.eti ori , 00 th« ^JSTSS ?!, " 6hC "•"•"•< *M1.B «i:- 

*hc i-.irml truths in »„.„ !„Tri : - nit l * Bt *»f»p» «■ i4i ».o •lnxl« que 
l eC .-.c u. »r. r^lutu^;;,,*"," ="f ?! *■«*"«<. »4» ««= ^rt do, first, 
mr»«, who fts7 B i« an T.tir-1 W™ i?» .f K J^^Jrt^J.o' *h« revolation- 

=«t SD ^ r -cnj au*. cL« ^u a«S .;- IT^! ^ 3 ? hisb,,r ' *" 0th§r «•*■! « 
U tka next i. rt «w. ° Mra ' lr - " w " «" tB ««a|.li h. l i h n itall aM 
